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Autumn 2021 Scav Hunt


Accessible version available at


Note: this scavenger hunt does not include taking pictures of people without their consent, foreground or background. 

Dinky Doors

  • Photograph a Dinky Door (10 pts.)

  • Photograph all Dinky Doors (200 point bonus)

  • Write a poem about a Dinky Door (5 points per rhyming couplet)

  • Double points if in Latin. Alternatively 20 points per Haiku about a Dinky Door.

  • Find what could be mistaken for a dilapidated Dinky Door (10 pts.)

  • Ditto but with two within 10 metres of each other (100 pts.)

  • Build a temporary cardboard Dinky Door for your room (5 points per piece of cardboard used)

  • Build a temporary Dinky Door for your fridge, scored ditto.

  • Smallest home-made Dinky Door (superlative points score)

  • Most colourful Dinky Door (ditto)

  • Homemade Dinky Doors score double if made out of Fondant

  • Stage a play around a homemade Dinky Door for your Plushies (3 points per line; no repeats count, nor do minor variations).

  • Ditto for an actual Dinky Door: 5 points per line.

  • Bonuses for writing a Space Opera involving your Plushies visiting all Dinky Doors

  • Tour Bonus: 100 D points for photo/audio footage of your plushie play at the total number of Dinky Doors, D.

  • Muso Bonus: 500 points per Aria or overture, that are not variations of each other, and which have playing time of 1 minute or more each (no repeated bars).

  • Freedom of Association Bonus: 10 n^2 points per Socbridge Society substantially featuring in the story of your Space Opera.

It’s Nice To Be Cozy When It’s Cold Outside


  • Light a scented candle / incense

  • Make an autumn-related meal (e.g. biscuits, cakes etc.)

  • Do a games night with your friends, family or household

  • Draw an autumn-themed picture (bonus points if featuring a spiderdragon; extra bonus points if there’s tea)

  • Read a wholesome children’s book that you haven’t read before or read in a long time

Freshers' Week and Squash Week

  • Go to a Socfair!

  • Go to all four non-college socfairs we know about! (SU, SU-virtual, Socbridge-Timetable: virtual, Sports Socs)

  • Bonus for impressing us by 'visiting the past' in so doing, given that at least two of these fairs are over.

  • Bonus for impressing us by finding any further non-college society fairs in Cambridge.

  • Subscribe yourself to a soc email list! (has to be something you actually want to join :) )

  • Go to a Squash!

  • Go to a specifically no-alcohol squash!

  • Go to a Squash in College!

  • Go to a Squash in another College!

  • Go to a Squash on one of Cambridge's Greens. (The backs count!)

  • Send Birdbridge a picture of a duck taken in one of their duck tour locations!

  • Lots of bonus points: send Birdbridge a poker of these (one duck per location: cc what's sent there to us so we can score it...)

  • Go to an Icebreaker!

  • (Lots of bonus points: suggest an icebreaker of a conceptual type none of the Judges have thought about before)

  • Join an Anglia Ruskin University Society (has to be something you want to join.)

  • Join a Soc 3 weeks or more into term (has to be a soc you want to join).


Even Though It Rains A Lot, The Trees Are Pretty


  • Collect autumn leaves; bonus points for the name of the tree, extra bonus points for a collage!

  • Take pictures of the trees as the seasons change

  • Send us pictures of mushrooms; bonus points for names; extra bonus points if edible

  • Go on an autumn walk

  • Collect some conkers! Bonus points for decorating them, or playing conkers

  • Befriend a cat and send us a picture or tell us about it :)


It’s Not Scary If We’re All Together

  • Carve a pumpkin

  • Read a spooky story

  • Write a Halloween-themed short story or do some other creative activity with the theme of Halloween

  • Create new spooky words; bonus points if you explain what the words refer to; extra bonus points if you create a new thing or create that the word refers to

  • Come to our SOCA Halloween party! (if we do one)

  • Dress up as something spooky for Halloween

  • Make a map of a university building as if you were a ghost (which walls do ghosts like to enter from? Which ghosts live in which parts of it? Where do they do their haunting?)

Settling in

  • Tell us the extent to which your College permits cooking.

  • Bonus if in the form of a Nordic Saga, a Space Opera or a Mathematical Equation

  • Find the shop selling the cheapest saucepans (state the price so we can compare, as well as the approximate height and radius of the pot part).(Big bonus for cheapest; our scavenger hunt isn't a valid excuse if you're reprimanded for taking photos of saucepan price tags).

  • Idly walk over the Magdalene bridge.

  • Briskly walk over the Silver Street Bridge.

  • Cycle over Orgasm Bridge.

  • Find the Reality Checkpoint.

  • Find a building engraved with a crocodile.

  • As many university heraldic crests as you can find, as photographed from off university property (e.g. in their outer walls).

  • Find the 1 metre + tall statue of a unicorn (big bonus)

  • Find the statues of grey dragons within 800 metres of the statue of the unicorn (very large bonus).   

Draw any items you please from this items list section :) 

Expect more items to be added here, especially of things that are easier to find!

Our Scav Hunt So Far:

Approximate Scavenger Hunt scores:

6420 Acebridge 
3640 Om-nom-nom-nymous 
1814 There must always be a Scouty in Cakefaerie-Winterfell 
1302 Octopode Spa 
240 Dinky Duo 
  20 As-yet unaffiliated participant. 


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