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An archive of events which we have run in the past, as well as some events which we may run in the future ^^

For the events which we are currently running, see our termcard! It's available on this website on the "Termcards!" page ^^

Past Events

1) Tiptoeing in the Tulips Walking Events (approximately 1-hour walks through often-scenic parts of Cambridge). One year, these were described as:

"Rambles through Brambles. We're going on a bear hunt! We're not going to catch one, but we might SEE SOME OF CAMBRIDGE on the way. Follow our seasoned guide through alleyways and snickets, over logs and slightly crooked pavements, under branches and disturbing statues and remember - watch out for the geese! Meeting at the Corpus Clock at 7 pm."

2) "Papered in" origami sessions

"For a flight into the world of paper swans and cardboard carousels, come test your origami skills on Mondays at 7 pm. Those who dare can learn to make anything and everything (disclaimer: this may in fact be limited to not anything and everything) from aeroplanes, to ships, to very tiny boxes!"

3) A Dragon in a Needlestack Sew a small magical creature over four sessions in Michaelmas!

4) The Tapshoes of the Cakepocalypse A Cooking club with a different theme each week!

"On the pitter patter of tiny feet comes the sound of tiny baking trays singing tiny baking songs. Where did they come from? Where are they going? Nobody knows, but if you feel adventurous, come join the hotshot baking accomplices in the Society's own Cooking Club!"


We made pasties, brownies, fineapple dishes, fudge and banana breads, as well as simultaneously Vegan and Gluten-free cookies on multiple occasions.


This activity may have been preceded by Chemical Cuisine or possibly alternated fortnightly with this.


It was on at least one occasion referred to as The Snowshoes of the Gingerbreadpocalypse

"We will be making gingerbread houses on Friday in association with the nonexistent Tiny House Society, and will be providing gingerbread for this, as well as decorations! Feel free to bring your own toppings for decoration as well!"


5) Film Nights A film night full of Studio Ghibli classics - and you get to choose them!

Lord of the Rings and Disney film nights have also occurred so far.

"After stumbling and striding through the hills and valleys of term, prepare to sit yourself down and warm your toes in front of a roaring battle on Friday 15th March! Not one, not two, but the entire trilogy of the Lord Of The Rings will be shown on this hallowed night from 5pm to 2am, so march down to this one-off showing and prepare to have your socks knocked off!"


This line of Events has on occasion been called Grimly Grimly Grimly A Film After Midnight :)

The following One-off event is also of this ilk.

"With bated breath and gritted teeth, the IT dragons wait to see the downspiral of media erupting from the television screen. Tropes die, critics cry and the absurdity reaches ever-greater heights! Welcome you are to come witness the massacre of storytelling in our Bad Film Night, where we try to answer the quintessential question - can a film really be so bad it's good?"


6) Epic Music Evening

"A magnificent bag of crochets to the new addition to our repertoire - an Epic Music Evening on Friday 22nd February from 7 - 9pm in I4, Corpus Christi! Good vibrations abound, cacophonies collide and rousing tunes dance around your ears in this evening bonanza of epic music! Come to hear inspirational songs amidst comfy cushions, and enjoy a moment of relaxation amongst the untuneful murmurs of termtime!"


7) Silly Hat Parties

"In a snap election, Tuesday 5th February has been gloomily voted the Saddest Day Of The Year. To combat this chilling event, a renegade bunch have organised a Silly Hat Party on the day in question in Corpus Christi JCR from 7 - 9 pm - music, laughter and silly hats will abound! Come one, come all - and don't forget to bring the silliest hat you can get your hands on!


8) Spooooooooooky Halloween Parties.

"Boo! Hoo! Hoo! Join us on Saturday 31st October for Tricky Treats and Treatise Tricks, our very own good old-fashioned Hallowe'en party! On Lammas Land from 4-6pm, we will be playing games, eating donuts and, hopefully, befriending the local ghosts! (If we're lucky, I might even be able to get the void to come along.)"


9) "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Bridgemas" Bridgemas parties: This remaining a plausible 1-off: Home-Cooked Bridgemas meal and some fun winter games.

"Brrrrrrrr! Christmas is almost slightly here and Bridgemas is just around the corner, so button up your ponchos and prepare for a Bridgemas miracle! The Society of Confusing Anticipation is hosting a Bridgemas party on for one and all - food, drink and hedgehogs abound!"

10) "An Eggs-citing Eggs-pedition" Easter Egg Hunts or, on one occasion "a treasure hunt where the bounty is Easter eggs!" This remaining a plausible 1-off.

11) Speed Not-Dating

"Lonely hearts, bored hearts, and any other interested hearts wanted for a night of (hopefully) scintillating conversation and new faces on Wednesday 13th February from 8 - 10 pm in Corpus Christi JCR - raise your glitter-filled champagne glasses for the new and exclusive Speed Not-Dating event! You'll get to meet new faces, have thought-provoking discussions and even enjoy some befuddling conversation prompts if it takes a while to break the ice! Meeting at Corpus Christi Porter's Lodge at 8pm. Disclaimer: Hugs are entirely optional.


12) "I Believe I can Float" Shipbuilding: drop-in in the days before the race. Building and sailing a ship for the great Carboard Boat Race!

Exceptions to meetings being free


Tapshoes of the Cakepocalypse charged £2 per person for ingredients and Bridgemas parties £3.

[This is considered to be significant info for anyone attempting to recreate these. Ingredients for that price could be straightforwardly purchased from Sainsbury's Central in 2018-2020 :) ]

Suggestions for Events

which we've either never done yet or just tried out as 1-offs


A) CreativiTEA Time ^^ where we do lots of wholesome creative stuff and there's tea, cocoa and biscuits too! (events B-F, amongst others, could be done as a part of CreativiTEA Time. We hope to run this event in Lent and Easter term if COVID and other factors allow.)

B) Knitting / sewing / crochet sessions

C) Reading wholesome children's stories, with tea and cocoa provided

D) Games such as consequences (perhaps in picture medium)

E) Board games

F) Games like Telestrations (someone writes a sentence, the next person draws it, the next person describes the drawing...) to make our writing games less intimidating :)

G) Film nights: Watching further Studio Ghibli films, or other wholesome films (as an end of term event)

H) Cambridge Department of Lateral Thinking (as a Silly Topic to have Silly Discussions about!)

Unlike many other socs, we still run activities and events over the vacation! In particular, we want to try out some non-wordy non-writey events...

We also encourage people who have been to SOCA events to try running an event of their choice or creation (as a one-off or regularly) or running it jointly (if they prefer). "I think something good about SOCA is that it is a way for people to try out running an event without the pressure and responsibility of creating a society, and it would be cool to make use of this aspect of it ^^ " A Spiderdragon.

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