Beware, here be dragons. Please mind the spikes and bring three gold coins or a small cabbage as payment.
For all ye who have entered and are now slightly befuddled and wondering what the heckity all the point of this was, a small guide in the style of nothing much in particular!
All ye poor souls who are just looking for a good time, seek the 'Actual Fortune-Telling' button. Prepare to be transported into the wonderful world of Bathilda the Excellent Typist, who soothsays on the side and hoards our calendar like she does our small but impressive set of keyboards.
All who are looking for a quick rundown of the heist, one or more of the 'Frequently Asked Questions' may help you on your quest - but beware, the guide noticed that our idea of payment was two small goats and a runty kitten, and may have melted our questions and made soup from them.
All those of a lackluster and doldrum nature, rejoice! The other scrolls and pages are basically just esoterica for your entertainment (although careful, we lost an intern in the third page from the left once. If you hear him, please offer biscuits.)
Finally, all those looking for a point - no. It's ours, finders keepers, you can't have it back.